Studententage 2023 – Eng



50th Student Days – Fixed and Fifty: A Journey through the Decades

Dear students, guests and friends of the student club,

from June 26 to 30 we will pop the corks and celebrate an anniversary together with you.

The 50th Student Days are coming up. Of course, we want to celebrate big and you are sincerely invited. We are already busy planning and will keep you up to date here. But what we can tell you already is that this year’s soapbox race will take place on the market place in Köthen. To make the time not seem so long, take a look at the summary of last year’s Stud/Ententage.


Opening of the beer trolley

15:00 pm
Sports festival of the Anhalt University | Sports field „Am Hubertus“

16:00 pm
Motus provides the musical entertainment for the athletically not so talented students

Opening of the beer trolley

03:00 pm
Flunkyball Tournament

05:30 pm
Soapbox race | Market place in the city center

09:30 pm
canned music

Opening of the beer trolley

02:00 pm
Coffee and cake | with background music

04:30 pm
Fun sports festival

08:00 pm
MiNaDi-WarmUp with Motus

09:00 pm
MiNaDi with AlexxxT in the Mensakeller

Opening of the beer trolley

02:30 pm
Open Stage – Karaoke

04:00 pm
Animal show with selected animals from the Köthen Tierpark

04:30 pm

06:30 pm
Live music with „muSick“

08:00 pm
Start campfire and live music with Sewing Machine

09:30 pm
End with live music with Simon and Tales from the Band AG

Soapbox Race

  1. all participants must be at least 16 years old.
  2. the vehicle must have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 wheels on the ground.
  3. the width must not exceed 1.20 meters.
  4. the vehicle must be steerable.
  5. the vehicle must be powered by muscle power only (push or pull).
  6. the driving force must not exceed 2 persons.
  7. of the 3 persons operating the soapbox, at least one person must be female.
  8. the driver must wear a helmet!
  9. the use of open fire and/or pyrotechnics is strictly prohibited!

The following categories will be judged:

  1. fastest soapbox
  2. most spectacular ride
  3. most beautiful team
  4. most beautiful soapbox (according to the theme)

Additionally there is the overall victory!

The jury is composed of professors and lecturers of the university. Evaluation takes place according university grading system 1.0, 1.3, 1.7, and so on up to 5.0.

In order to have your soapboxes launched on Student Days, it is essential that you register HERE in advance.

Please submit the application to the StuRa Köthen before starting the construction.

We have talked to the StuRa and can support 10 teams with 75€ each to build soapboxes. Just fill out the application and send it HERE to the StuRa Köthen.

Please remember, payment can only be made if all receipts are submitted!

Application -> Finanzantrag StuRa

PowerPoint Karaoke

…might be the first question you ask yourself. Well, PowerPoint Karaoke is a game with very simple rules: The presenters come on stage and have to convincingly present a set of PowerPoint slides that they have never seen before. The main purpose is to have as much fun as possible. We have listed the exact rules below.

  1. The presenters have never seen the slides before. The slides are played one after another, none may be skipped.
  2. The presentation ends when all slides have been presented. The student club limits presentation time to 10 min. in Order to avoid excessively long presentations.
  3. The presenter / speaker is chosen by lottery.
  4. The audience will determine the winner.

HERE you can register for the PowerPoint Karaoke event.

BeerPong Tournament

  1. A team consists of 2 to 3 players.
  2. Each team starts with 10 cups arranged in a pyramid, with the top facing the opposing team.
  3. These cups represent 2 full 0.5 liter bottles of beer*. These are drunk from the bottle, the cups are filled with water.
  4. Snickers who starts.
  5. On the turn, the throwing team gets two balls.
  6. When throwing, the elbow or feet must not cross the edge of the table.
  7. A throw can be direct or indirect (with tapping).
  8. No blowing or fingering.
  9. f there is a cup to be hit without a neighbor, Island can be called. It can be called two times per game, disregarding the calling team
  10. After both players have thrown (before the trick shots) the result is determined.
  11. Hit cups are set aside and drinking is required. If two cups which have been hit in the same round, both balls go back to the throwing team. If both hit the same cup, it is a bomb.
  12. Once per team, the opposing cups may be arranged in any order.
  13. If the ball rolls over the table back across the center line, a trick shot is granted.
  14. If a team runs out of cups, all of the team’s remaining beer must be drunk. The other team wins the game.
  15. When both teams have only max. 4 cups left, Airball starts.

  • Trickshot: A throw with handicap. Anything within the normal rules is allowed, apart from normal throwing with the strong hand and eye contact.
  • Bomb: Counts as 3 hits.
  • Island: Counts as 2 hits if the predetermined cup is hit.
  • Indirect Hit: Counts as 2 hits, but may be intercepted.
  • Airball: If the ball does not hit the table or cup when thrown, the throwing team will receive a penalty:The throwing team decides which additional cups will be put away.
  • If a cup is knocked over, it must be checked if the ball touched the inside of the cup, if it did, it counts as a regular hit, if not, there is a penalty for the throwing team.

HERE you can register yourself and your partner for the BeerPong tournament.

Flunkyball Tournament

  1. In the middle of the playing field is a 1.5 L plastic bottle that is half full and must be knocked over.
  2. The two teams are each 6.30 m away from it.
  3. Between three and five players per team are allowed.
  4. Neither the order nor the formation of the players may be changed during the game.
  5. The referee opens the game, only then the beer bottles may be opened under his supervision.
  6. The game is played with 0.5 L beers in glass bottles (no mixed beer drinks). Each player must drink his own beer (beers may not be given to teammates).
  7. Throwing is done in order and alternately from left to right.
  8. Throws may only be made above the hip and elbow (i.e. no bowling throws or similar) from behind the line.
  9. A team may drink when the bottle is hit until the opposing team has placed the bottle at the marked point and the projectile and all players are behind the team line.
  10. It is allowed to start running as soon as the ball leaves the hand (feint is allowed, but it must be thrown at the latest at the third time).
  11. The drinking bottles may not be touched until the bottle in the middle has fallen over.
  12. When the referee calls „Stop!“, the team must stop drinking immediately.
  13. It is not allowed to throw again until all bottles are on the ground and the referee releases the game.
  14. The player who has finished his beer brings it to the referee. The player holds the beer vertically upside down above his head for three seconds. If more than a few drops spill from the beer, the attempt is invalid and a penalty beer is awarded. Otherwise, the beer is considered empty.
  15. The team that drinks all the bottles first wins.

Warning: 2 warnings result in one penalty round (no drinking or passing on the next hit). A warning is given in the following cases:

  1. Running off too early
  2. Throwing before the referee releases the game
  3. A team shouts „stop“ before of the referee

A penalty beer is given in the following cases:

  1. Beer leaks from the bottle. (foam counts as beer)
  2. Unauthorized drinking A lot of beer drips out of the bottle during the three-second-rule.
  3. A beer breaks (it does not matter how full it was)

Giving penalties is always at the discretion of the referee!

  1. The losing team must finish the rest of the beer.
  2. The opposing side of the field may only be entered to fetch the ball and set up the bottle.
  3. If a throw is not executed correctly, the throw is invalid and it is the other team’s turn. This will be clearly signaled by the referee.
  4. It is allowed to put a foot in front of the bottle and in front of the line as protection.
  5. If there is only foam left in the bottle, it may be put down. This must be signaled to the referee and nothing may leak from the bottle.
  6. If the middle bottle falls over due to foreign influence, drinking is not allowed.
  7. If a runner knocks over the bottle, drinking is allowed.
  8. If a player is prevented from drinking during the game for any reason, his beer will remain and must be shared by one of his teammates.
  9. Urinating during the game will be punished with the exclusion of the player from the current round. The beer must be drunk by one of his teammates.
  10. If a player vomits during the tournament, he will be disqualified from the tournament. The beer must be drunk by one of his teammates.
  11. Flunkyball is a team sport. When a player has finished his beer, he must continue to throw for his team.

HERE you can register yourself and your team for the Flunkyball tournament.